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Hello and welcome to: 

Black Jewell "Uncracked"

…Just as long as I know how to love
I know I'm still alive."

My Story

I used to be "Precious", now I'm known as Black JEWELL. I am a survivor of the war on African American people known as "the crack epidemic". My story is neither tragic nor unique. Orphaned at thirteen, subjected to abuses against body, mind, and soul, I gave birth to the first of five children at fourteen, while navigating the streets and living by my wits. Through it all I was held by a firm belief that I had strength yet to discover and gifts yet to give.

Now I walk with lions…


Twelve years of sobriety, recovery and reclaiming by identity as an African woman and child of GOD have led me to this place of peace and service that I now occupy. Through devotion, ritual, and study, I have experienced transformational growth that has lead to generational healing and empowerment.


My mission is to help heal those of my tribe, who like me,
survived…but not unscathed.


I am a Recovery Life Coach, Yin Yoga Teacher, Y12SR Facilitator, Intuitive Reader, and Ritual Practitioner specializing in trauma recovery, and generational healing. I offer consultations to help you get clear on what aspects of your life you which to transform and the best way to go about it. I offer spaces of rest, restoration, and communal gathering where you can begin to restore your gifts, your power, your health, your abundance and the love that is yours by birth. Begin your journey with me.


Schedule an appointment for your
2024 Alignment Consultation 
and learn what it will take to live a life that you love.


Attend our free weekly
Mindful Meditation : We Black Jewels

Mondays 6A PST


Join us for our free weekly

Y12SR [Yoga Twelve Step Recovery]

Thursdays 11A PST







2024 Alignment Reading 

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

1 (631) 406-9092

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